– Now What? –
Be ashamed to die until you have scored some victory for humanity.
-Horace Mann
As James Joyce famously penned, “History is the nightmare from which I am trying to awake…’
There are now four Days of Infamy in history seared into American consciousness:
December 7, 1941
November 22, 1963
September 11, 2001
November 8, 2016
The time for sedentary sofa advocacy and whining lamentation is now over!
Quite a week…quite a year, culminating with the Coronation of Il Douche(sic), a Mussolini with bad hair, aka Donald J.(Jackass) Trump.
Friday January 20, 2017, the so-called inaugural speech reeking with darkness, negativity, bluster and self-aggrandizement…delivered like some braying donkey in heat.
Saturday January 21, 2017 THE MILLION WOMEN MARCH: Quite the spectacle…The Sisters are Getting Restless! “Hell hath NO fury like a woman scorned.”
Not much left to say after the coup d’ etat of November 8th, except TAKE IT TO THE STREETS!
The 4Rs for the Great Wakeup—the Neo-Renaissance of Humanity:
RESIST! – Peaceful non-violent resistance, protest and demonstration
REMOVE! -The Big Money paid by Corporations/PACs from elections and the politicians who accept it. Repeal the Citizens United decision!
REGULATE! -The financial and banking mega-complex and protect the planet
REBEL! -Take it to the Streets!
See you there! (Copy and spread the The 4Rs of REVOLUTION logo!)